Pakistan will never be the same again!

The soul and conscience of Pakistan are in chains. But can the soul really be enchained? The body without the soul was restlessly fluttering and convulsing for quite some time.The caged soul eventually permeated into the persona of millions and millions of Pakistanis , who surged towards the polling stations, wave after wave, on eighth of February 2024. The imprisoned soul set Pakistan free. This was an entirely peaceful show of resistance and defiance, against two years of tyranny and high handedness.

It was indeed a sight to behold and savor. This historic day will remain etched in the memory forever. Pakistan surprised the world and created history. People thronged the polling stations with sparkling eyes, filled with hope and pulsating hearts, filled with passion. They turned the tables. They waited endlessly, but very patiently, in long queues, to make their emphatic statement. For the first time, the people of Pakistan tasted the sweetness and effectiveness of their power. People’s power defeated established order and smashed the myth of the invincibility of the Invincibles.

By late evening, it was abundantly clear, that the people of Pakistan had spoken with a deafening roar and unmistakable clarity. They handed over their mandate in an unambiguous and unequivocal manner. This is precisely when panic gripped the corridors of power. Mortally scared, the dacoits descended in the dead of darkness, to cruelly snatch victory from the people of Pakistan.

It was bizarre and obscenely revulsive spectacle . People watched in disbelief. They had a ringside view and watched the proceedings in real time. They couldn’t believe what they saw. Their own were selling their motherland to dacoits. They were horrified at the brazenness of this theft. Looters were looting with impunity. The world was aghast as the verdict of the people of Pakistan was being hijacked in full public view . Despite Pakistan’s chequered electoral history, such highhandedness and nakedness had never been imagined. This was a betrayal of the worst kind. People of Pakistan were crest fallen and felt deeply hurtful . The ones who had taken oath to protect their verdict and will, were the very ones, to vandalise and mutilate it.

What is most excruciatingly painful is that a bunch of known scoundrels and criminals have been given the reigns of the country. An internationally acclaimed thug is being hoisted on the country as its president. People of Pakistan will never forgive or forget this slight.A cruel joke is being played on them. This is a grave insult to the collective conscience and intelligence of the people of Pakistan. This same person is well known to be involved in a conspiracy called the “memo gate” scandal against the security forces of Pakistan.

People of Pakistan have scored a resounding victory against the putrefied order, which is now mortally petrified of their will and thumping mandate. The victory is incomplete though .However Pakistan is never going to be the same again. People power has actualised and is only going to surg ahead. Two years of failed experiment to erase a name by instilling fear in people has miserably failed. The name, they tried to erase from the memory of people, is indelibly imprinted on the hearts and minds of millions of and millions of people of Pakistan and around the world. The total victory is not far away. Pakistan’s tryst with destiny will come very soon. Meanwhile, let’s not despair. let’s keep going and have faith in the soul and conscience of Pakistan.

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