I am a third generation Pakistan Army officer. I am also a War-Wounded Veteran with more than 19 years of diverse experience in combat, field security duties, political/security analysis and consultancy on critical issues regarding conflict management, political administration along with intelligence-based anti-terrorist operations and DE-radicalization drives. During my service I acquired an insight into the working of the deep state of Pakistan and its association with the international partners. During my service, I aimed to gain a deeper understanding of international relations with a special focus on the Middle East and Central Asia, as well as issues related to global strategies in these regions.
In order to enhance my understanding in this regard I also acquired a master’s degree in international relations from the university of Peshawar, as a private student, while I was posted at the Armour Centre, Nowshera, which also happens to be the town of my birth. I gained extensive on-the-job experience in analysing and dealing with political and security issues in Pakistan in general and Afghanistan- Pakistan Tribal border belt as the wing commander of the Khyber Rifles of the Frontier Scouts.
I played a pivotal role there in coordination between Pakistani Security Forces and ISAF/US forces on the security/political issues of mutual interests concerning Afghanistan-Pakistan borders. I also encountered the Afghan Taliban during this tenure and understood, how the Pakistani deep state under General Pervez Musharraf was playing a double game with the west to kill two birds with one stone. I also witnessed that policy backfire at the Salala check post, which I believe was a retaliatory action by the US forces.. I have extensive international traveling and communication experience, mainly due to my family
being part of the Pakistani diaspora.
During my service, I created various online pages/websites related to current affairs and international relations. I started writing my personal blog in 2010 while I was at service. In those days, such online activities were encouraged by the Army high command. I took voluntary retirement from the Army after submitting applications on four separate occasions. I left the Army with full honours and awards and started a business of land acquisition for which I was funded by the Defence Housing Authority. I started writing op-ed columns regularly in The Nation and certain other English daily newspapers after my voluntary retirement.
A Successful Businessman and Journalist/Commentator
As an entrepreneur I established a successful commercial land acquisition company which dealt with mega real estate organizations like DHA and Bahria Town beside other clients.
As a geopolitical analyst & columnist, I used to give regular commentary on regional affairs in print/electronic media.
I volunatarily joined the Pakistan Ex Servicemen Society and established its media cell. I was also appointed as the Spokesperon of the prestigious organisation for voicing the concerns of the verternans community. I was also a regular colunmist and appeared in the talk shows to counter anti-Pakistan narrative.
Why I had to leave Pakistan?
I was offered before the Regime Change Operation in April 2022, to join hands with the Devil and become its advocate or had a choice to fight back at great personal cost. I took the latter path. I had to escape Pakistan overnight and continue my struggle from the UK. Fictitious cases were launched against me in my absence. All my assets were seized in Pakistan and bank accounts were frozen. I continue to remain being persecuted by the Pakistani deep state for the crime of becoming a whistle-blower. I personally suffered yet struggled for standing up for the freedom of speech and constitutional supremacy in Pakistan. I continue working to raise international awareness about human rights abuses and struggle for real democracy in Pakistan.
A Son, A Brother, Husband and a Father
Every man has responsibilities in his life, so do I. The choice to fight the black sheep in my mother institution has put my own mother, wife, children and siblings at peril. My family was haunted and hunted as a result of my activism and they continue to face horrific harassment at the hands of the Pakistani deep state. My mother lives under 24/7 surveillance, unable to leave the country or talk to me. My family has been forced to cut me off and disassociate with me like the families of thousands of other men and women, who choose to fight for the right of democracy in Pakistan, while living abroad. So for those, who blame me, saying that it is a personal fight for me, I say, Yes. How could it not be a personal fight? We fight not only for our motherland, but also for our mothers, sisters and siblings, including children living on our motherland. Yes, its personal, very much so. What man or woman won’t fight for his/her family?
What was my fault? Why I was punished?
Watch this video in which I have explained why I had to leave Pakistan!
میں کون ہوں؟ Who I am?
Affiliated Institutions

IMCB F-7/3

PMA Kakul

Pakistan Army

18 Horse

Frontier Scouts- FC KPK

Peshawar University